BranFord News

Stolen Computers From Schoonover, A Man On A Cruiser At O’Bleness

A theft in Schoonover Center was reported to the Ohio University Police Department. 

OUPD reported multiple computer items were taken from Schoonover.

Tripped a wire?

An alarm drop on Mcgur Road, Guysville, was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

Once deputies arrived, they met with a man who was doing maintenance on the home.

The man informed deputies he had been there the entire day and did not hear any alarms.

Moo Moo Meadows

An animal complaint on Lemaster Road in The Plains was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

Upon arrival, officers saw a cow walking along the road. According to deputies, the cow “moooved” off the road and back into the field.

Back off

The Athens County Sheriff’s Office received a call-in report of a threat over the phone.

The caller told deputies she had been receiving threats via telephone.

Officers contacted the suspect who had been making the threats and told her not to contact the initial caller anymore or she would be charged with telecommunication harassment.

New whip

The Athens County Sheriff’s Office took a walk-in report of a stolen John Deere riding lawn mower.

The victim said his lawn mower was stolen from his yard Wednesday evening.


Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputies reported to Baker Street in Coolville to look into a trespassing complaint.

Once deputies were on the scene, they spoke with the complainant and noticed several children were playing basketball in the street.

The caller requested the deputies ask the children to stop coming into their yard to get the basketball. Deputies then asked the children to stop doing this as much as possible.

Dolla dolla bills come get her

Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to The Plains on a complaint of a fake $100 bill.

As of Saturday, the case is under investigation.

Easter came early

A suspicious person around parked vehicles at night in Jacksonville was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

After investigating, deputies found a woman had been attempting to egg a resident’s vehicle.

No damages were done to the vehicle, and the woman was issued a citation for disorderly conduct.

He saw the opportunity and took it

Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputies were inside O’Bleness Hospital when a nurse told officers there was a man outside on top of the Sheriff’s vehicle.

Deputies proceeded to ask the man to get off the cruiser several times. The man was then charged with persistent disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Wiring issues

A possible burglary/trespassing issue at a residence in Ames Township was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.

Upon arrival, deputies met with the homeowner who told deputies they had seen a light on at their home and it later turned off.

Deputies checked the home and surrounding area but did not locate anyone.

Aw, gee whiz

An individual in The Plains called the Sheriff’s Office and requested a vehicle unlock because they accidentally locked themselves out of their running vehicle.

Officers responded and unlocked the vehicle once they were available.

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