BranFord News

Police Blotter: Three arrests made by SHPD

Police Blotter: Three arrests made by SHPD

The police blotter relates to the public record of incidents as reported by law enforcement agencies. All individuals arrested or charged with a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Information printed is preliminary and subject to change. For specific details about cases listed, contact the appropriate law enforcement agency.

St. Helens Police Department

February 21

• Police arrested a 44-year-old female subject on a fugitive warrant near Gable Road and Rockwood Drive.

February 22

• Police cited and released a 45-year-old female subject for theft II at the 200 block of Bradyen Street.

February 24

• Officers responded to a traffic crash and agency assist on DRE near Columbia River Highway.

• Police responded to agency assist for collection of blood evidence at 901 Port Avenue.

• Officers arrested a 44-year-old male subject on DUII, and reckless driving at 2000 Columbia Boulevard.

February 25

• Police responded to a possible restraining order violation at the 300 block of South 13th Street.

• Police arrested a 53-year-old male subject on DUII, and disorderly conduct II at the 1000 block of Old Portland Road.

February 26

• Police responded to a theft of vehicle at the 100 block of Allendale Drive.

February 27

• Police responded to violation of stalking order at the 500 block of 9th Street.

Rainier Police Department

February 19

• A caller reported a woman sleeping in a car. No crime was committed, and the person was okay.

• Received a report that a driver did a ‘burn out’ causing gravel to damage the caller’s vehicle. The caller is employed by the city, and the call was forwarded to Oregon State Police.

February 21

• A couple got into an argument during the installation of a car stereo. The male left in the vehicle without permission. The woman called in to report it stolen. She then called back a short time later to report that she had found her car and was going to retrieve it.

• Officers responded to a residential alarm. The house was found to be secure.

• An officer responded to a call reporting a suspicious vehicle. Everything checked out okay.

• A man attempted to take advantage of a cashier, stating she was counting the money wrong while he instructed her to count it back into his hand. During the transaction, using sleight of hand, the man pocketed a majority of the money, leaving with two prepaid gift cards valued at $500 each and a bag of chips. The astute manager sensed something was wrong and immediately checked the register and found that the man had only paid $300 for the purchase. The manager was able to cancel the gift cards and so far, the man has not returned for his money.

February 23

• An officer checked on a report of an abandoned vehicle. The vehicle was tagged, and a letter was sent to the registered owner.

• The owner of 3 dogs was given a verbal warning regarding his dogs being loose and reportedly aggressive.

February 24

• Report of a non-injury, rear-end motor vehicle accident on the Lewis & Clark Bridge. The drivers exchanged information without incident.

February 25

• A woman reported that someone she was with took her vehicle, and she wanted to report it stolen. She later said the vehicle had been observed abandoned on I5 in Washington, and she was going to see if it was her vehicle. An officer attempted phone contact with the woman several times without success.

February 27

• A woman called to report that she noticed a broken taillight on her car. She did not know when or where this occurred.

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